Abraham Meyer Frechie

Little is known of the early life of Abraham Meyer Frechie. He wasborn in Amsterdam in 1831 and seems to have worked as a cigar makerfrom an early age. He arrived in the United States in 1857. Histraining enabled him to set up as a cigar manufacturer inPhiladelphia and he eventually joined the firm Emilio Nunez &Company, importing tobacco from Cuba.

The year of hisarrival he married Judith Laure Rodrigues Pereyra, sister of JacobRodrigues Pereyra, in Philadelphia. Abraham served on theboards of several charities, including Hebrew Relief Society and theAssociation of Jewish Immigrants, and served as treasurer of thePhiladelphia Branch of the Alliance Israelite Universelle. Frechieserved as parnas of Mikveh Israel three times, 1883-1888,1891-1892, and 1899-1900. The Frechies had no children, and upon hisdeath Abraham left significant sums to several charities, including$5,000 to the Jewish Hospital Association of Philadelphia.

Abraham Meyer Frechie