David Cardoza Levy

David Cardoza Levy was the third child from his father, Lyon Levy’s,second marriage, to Sarah Cardozo. One of fifteen—with thechildren from both of his father’s marriages—Levy grew up in oneof Charleston’s leading Jewish families. 1826 married AnnaMaria Moses, and they had eight children, including CeciliaEliza and Fanny Emma.

In 1825 Levybecame one of the founders of the Reformed Society of Israelites inCharleston, which constituted the beginnings of Reform Judaism in theUnited States. The previous year, Levy joined AbrahamMoise and other dissatisfied congregants in petitioning BethElohim, demanding a set of religious and liturgical changes, chieflythe introduction of English. When adjunta rejected thesedemands—which had also included a call for a shorter service—Levyand his fellow dissenters established the Reformed Society. Althoughthe organization probably remained in existence for little more thana decade, it does mark the earliest iteration of Reform Judaism inAmerica.

David Cardoza Levy

c. 1850–1865