Joshua Isaacs, Jr.

Born in the British colony of Grenada, Joshua Isaacs Jr. was namedfor the father who died just two months prior to his birth. Hismother, Hannah Levy, was a product of the second marriage of thesuccessful New York merchant Moses Raphael Levyto Grace Mears, and thus a youngerhalf-sister to Bilhah Abigail Levy Franks, whowas nearly three decades older.

Having made his way to America, Joshua Isaacs Jr. supported theAmerican cause in the Revolutionary War, joining the Lancaster Countymilitia in 1780. Shortly thereafter, he met and married JustinaBrandly Lazarus, who had recently moved to the bustlingoutpost of Lancaster with her parents. They would eventually havesix children, two born in Lancaster and the remaining four born,after the end of the war, in New York. Two, however, would die ininfancy; Solomon Isaacs was their onlysurviving son.

JoshuaIsaacs Jr. had success in business and soon became known in New Yorkfor his beneficence. He served as parnas of Shearith Israeland was a regular benefactor of the congregation, New York charitiesand relief funds for the poor. In his will he bequeathed fiftypounds to Congregation Shearith Israel for the purpose of providingpoor children with a Hebrew education. Among his final requests werethat his resting place be “in our Jews’ burying ground in NewYork among my relatives and friends.”

Joshua Isaacs, Jr.

c. 1781